Turbine oxide Blasting
Experience Counts
When your looking for precision abrasive blasting of your turbines, look no further than Riley Industrial Services, Inc. We have more than 50 years of experience in this specialized field, blasting everything from the smallest turbines to the big 750 megawatt super critical units. Riley Industrial Services is a regional specialty contractor, offering the highest quality service with lower mobilization costs and faster response time than our out-of-region competitors.
“We are GE and Westinghouse approved.
Count on Riley Quality
When it’s time to shut down your turbines for non-destructive testing and repairs, count on Riley’s precision blasting services! We are able to provide a variety of super-fine abrasives, shot peening, and glass bead cleaning that meets the most stringent test standards. All Critical turbine components, including generator fields, windings and coils if required, are blasted with care by our qualified team of experts. Plus, Riley can furnish all the special equipment and expertise to ensure the job is done to your specifications!